VRML language module for BBEdit and TextWrangler
by VRic, version 0.2, november 14 2005


VRicML 0.2.dmg


Download the disk image and/or mount it. Copy the file VRicML.plist from the resulting volume to the Language Modules folder in your home folder. The location of the Language Modules folder depends on the application you're using (see below).

For BBEdit, move the file VRicML.plist to:

~/Library/Application Support/BBEdit/Language Modules/

For TextWrangler, move the file VRicML.plist to:

~/Library/Application Support/TextWrangler/Language Modules/

(create those folders if necessary)


Please report errors or omissions. I used the list of keywords from vrml97.xml v1.0 for jEdit by hefesto.

Unlike jEdit, BBEdit won't colorize numbers or indent brackets. So indentation has to be done manually (BBEdit helps by flashing the opening bracket when closing). Whole blocks of text can be indented manually using the Shift right and Shift left commands.

On the other hand, BBEdit's language module format allowed me to set the DEF and PROTO keywords as functions and procedures, so they appear by name in BBEdit's Functions menu (button shown below), which is handy to jump between items in a long file.

The Functions menu in BBEdit and TextWrangler

Proper indentation of VRML code could probably be simulated in BBEdit by a Text Factory or a script. Please notify me if you find or make one.
